Form Footer

The form footer should always be the last part of a form. This is where the CTAs of the form should reside.

Usage guidelines





1. Separator - A border that helps differentiate the footer from the rest of the form.
2. Content - The content of the footer, by default it contains a CTA Group with the main CTAs of a form, for more information on our CTA guidelines, check out our button guides.






Horizontal padding

The separator should span the whole parent container, but the padding of the content should align to the fields above.




The horizontal padding of the form footer content for Desktop



The horizontal padding of the form footer content for Mobile.

Side Sheet

Side Sheet

The horizontal padding of the form footer content for Side Sheet.



Top Margin

The gap between form footer and the rest of the form should have a minimum of 32 px(forms-formBody-marginBottom).
The minimum recommended spacing between the form footer and the rest of the form.

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Content vertical padding

The content should have a vertical padding of 16px(forms-formFooter-verticalPadding).

The vertical padding of the form footer content.

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The separator uses the token forms-formFooter-separator for its styling meaning has a 1px width and uses cornflower 200 as its color.

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Left alignment

The form footer can remain fixed to the bottom of its parent container if the form is larger than the height of the screen.
But the majority of fields below the first fold of the screen should be optional, otherwise, we strongly recommend not making the footer fixed.

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Right alignment

When the parent form is a dialog-type component such as a modal, popover, or toast, align the buttons to the right to maintain consistent design and improve user interaction in these interface elements.

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The form footer can remain fixed to the bottom of its parent container if the form is larger than the height of the screen.
But the majority of fields below the first fold of the screen should be optional, otherwise, we strongly recommend not making the footer fixed.

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To ensure a clean mobile interface, stack buttons vertically on the navigation bar, and if the bar has more than two buttons, avoid fixing it in place to maintain usability and prevent overcrowding.

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