If you want to know how to enable Modes in Figma and Code.
Check our Figma and Code Dark Mode docs!
Setting a default Mode
By default, the mode enabled(Light/Dark) should be dictated by the user's OS/Browser settings.
If we introduce Dark Mode on a screen for the first time, we should also let the user know with a Popover.

A Popover lets the user know we enable Dark Mode by default given their settings.
What component should I use for switching between Light and Dark?
Pre Global Nav menu- Ghost Button
As mentioned in the discovery process, the Design System team strongly recommends using an icon-only Ghost Button to allow the user to switch between Light and Dark Mode.

2 ghost icon-only buttons one with a Sun icon and the other with a Moon
The button should be placed on the Global Nav of the product to the right and separated by a divider to separate them from the Agent or user actions.

The new Global Navigation with the Dark Mode Button

The old Global Navigation with the Dark Mode Button
The Buttons should contain a tooltip that will show on hover detailing its functionality.

A tooltip displaying “Enable Dark Mode“
Post Global Nav menu- Inside the settings menu
Once the Global Navigation menu is finished, we will ditch the Ghost Button pattern for a Toggle within the User’s menu like so:

A Dark Mode toggle within the User’s Global Nav menu