
For branching we usually add the category of the work that is going to be done in the branch followed by the JIRA ticket code(If it has one) and finally a small description of the changes.

For example:


You can read more on our categories and case conventions below:


We have 3 main categories:

  • fix - Fixes of issues
  • maintenance - General maintenance, updating the description of something for example or a depedncy like a library.
  • feature - Adding something new! A new style, new component for example.


So, let's say I'm adding a new Text Area component, the category should be a feature, but if I'm changing a property of an existing Text Area because is breaking something then it is a feature.

Jira code and changes description

The Jira code should be written as it is displayed on the issue so for example, if my issue code is GDS-1212 the branch name should include it as is.

A description shouldn't be more than 6 word long and should be straight and to the point.

Description case

So, for code we enforce snake_case, meaning every word should be separated by an underscore.

So for example, let's say my description is Textfield component, then my description would be:
